Pablo Picasso | Fine Art
Pablo Picasso | Fine Art
Seated Portrait of Dora Maar
Pablo Picasso painted this work during the same year as his renowned Guernica and his Weeping Woman series – the same year he denounced the war of General Franco against the Spanish Republic as “a war of reaction: against the people, against liberty.” Thus, the political climate inspired a year of creative productivity for Picasso. These paintings are a direct address of human expressions of grief: the face of which in many of them is that of Dora Maar. This portrait is the prototype of the most famous of all the Weeping Woman paintings. Dora Maar was not only a Spanish speaker and surrealist photographer, but one of Picasso’s most intimate and intellectual lovers. By experimenting with a striking offset profile combined with a disjunctive frontal view, Maar’s nose becomes an extension of the face. Through these elements, the far eye on her face is seen looking straight at us, evoking an intense yet intimate feeling via the viewer. Additionally, Picasso’s cubist portrayal of Maar represents an emotional, profound sense of the frank presence of his lover. Maar looks directly at him, despite this being impossible to do in her position. Through this, her presence transcends the physical. Apart from the twisted profile, she is emulating a classical pose, displaying herself as both elegant and social.
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We have partnered with Art Authority to bring you the highest quality made-to-order reproductions of fine art. Working with the most respected museums in the world, image optimization experts coordinate with curators and museum staff in order to ensure that our reproductions are of the highest quality and fidelity. The artwork has been scanned at the highest resolution possible by the museum and the digital file is then sent to us. Printed on only the finest paper, 100% acid-free cotton fine art paper and the highest quality pigmented, non-toxic, environmentally friendly ink with a color permanence rating of at least 200 years.
Creator: Pablo Picasso
Date: 1939
Original: oil on canvas
Original Size: 28 7/8 x 23 3/4 in.
Location: Metropolitan Museum of Art
© Succession Picasso 2013
Approximate Measurements for each:
Paper Size: 8.00" W x 10.00"H, Image Size: 7.00" W x 8.59" H
Paper Size: 11.00" W x 14.00"H, Image Size: 10.00" W x 12.27" H
Paper Size: 16.00" W x 20.00"H, Image Size: 14.00" W x 17.18" H
Paper Size: 22.00" W x 28.00"H, Image Size: 20.00" W x 24.54" H
Paper Size: 32.00" W x 40.00"H, Image Size: 30.00" W x 36.81" H
Paper Size: 40.00" W x 60.00"H, Image Size: 38.00" W x 46.63" H